The Tarantino Experience Releases EP!

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was an age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of being 14 years old. The start of Tarantino was an innocent one, but one that would go on to change the course of many lives forever. The mere existence is just the good grace of chance as one summer day 4 years ago Gabriel went to play basketball at a park integral to the group’s history named Lockwood Park. It was just a normal day playing basketball, except for the fact the park was completely packed. Naturally a 5 on 5 broke out and this is where Gabriel and Hopeless met for the first time, getting their hooper-ability utterly exposed by a bunch of kids. After the game Hopeless walked up to Gabriel and they started talking and just by pure chance this was one week after Gabriel started recording in his basement studio and Hopeless just started uploading freestyle. They went on to talk for a while and get each others contact info. Instantly music started being created, it was roughly a year later when Hopeless’ friend at the time just got into rapping, Gabriel, being the curmudgeon he is, wouldn’t let who we now know and love as AV into the studio for months after. At times, The Tarantino Experience seems more of an idea than a group. Members over the past few years have come and gone but Gabriel, Hopeless and AV have been anchors in what has now solidified as a three member group.